Saturday, August 18, 2012
STATUS UPDATE as u guys can tell, i have changed the seems a bit gloomy and stuff..but i wanted sumthing clean..and i wanted to try out a simple and dark ya... :P..umm..i'll be working on ch. 4 of the fanfic whenever i have for news that i have to catch up on, i don't think i'll really post them..but i may share my thoughts on some..only the ones that i really NEED to say something for dramas, i dont kno if i have time to watch them this year :'( this is sad....i have no life..anyways..i'll just have to wait and see..i'll probably watch them though..b/c i don't think i can resist..but i get addicted once i start watching..anyways..haha..and have i mentioned that him law is rly cute? far, ive had 3 obsessions: otto chan, oscar leung, and him it started around april/may to now..which is about 3 on it's like one new obsession every month if u average it, if u have any scenes u would like me to consider for the fanfic, feel free to contact me..haha..i wud appreciate ur opinions :D thanks 4 stopping by!
hey guys...this isn't really a 'status update'..well but then again..none of my 'status updates' are really 'status updates'..they're just stupid stuff..anyways..this is about the fanfic..umm..i know everyone is one person might like a romantic fanfic while another might like one of i can't satisfy everyone's wants..sorry about that..but i can add in guest stars of your choice because when i was writing chapter 3 of the fanfic, i had some trouble thinking of a guest it would be nice if you guys would share your opinions :D please leave a message in the cbox if you have any suggestions for me
As usual, after work, Fala and Kate are lying on the couch, channel surfing until they come across a TVB drama.
"Ugh. Do we have to watch HEART OF GREED again?" Kate complained, "Can we watch FORENSIC HEROES 3? Come on, it's new."
"But.." Fala tried to save herself.
"Come on. All they do is fight for the money." Kate imitated, "'It's my money!' ''s MY money!'"
Fala laughed at Kate's imitation, "Fiiiinnnee.." and threw a pillow at her, accidentally knocking over a cup of tea.
Linda, rushing out of the kitchen, yelled, " You guys...Again? Can you guys wipe it up?"
Kate, so absorbed in her drama, just said, "Chilll....It's just a cup of tea...She'll do it later.."
Fala chimed in, "'s just a cup of tea..You're a neat freak.."
"Sorry," Linda apologized, afraid of losing her roommates.
"'s fine..we were just kidding..just have fun..relax..Fala's gunna wipe it up right now, right Fala?" [Kate]
"Yea..I'M going to wipe it up..because I'm a nice person..unlike SOMEONE...ahem, Kate Tsui," [Fala] With that, Kate reached for a pillow and aimed for Fala but Fala had successfully escaped by running to the kitchen.
After cleaning up her mess, Fala plopped down in her seat, "Ahh...That was some hard work..That's enough exercise to last me for the next 2 weeks.."
" wiped a cup of tea.." [Kate]
"Hey, at least I wiped a cup of tea...What did you do?" Fala imitated Kate, "'Oh my god..He [referring to an artiste] is so hott..I am SO going to marry him..oh my god!'"
"Just don't...Fine, what do you look for in a guy?" [Kate]
"I don't know..I don't hunt for guys like you..It just comes.." [Fala]
"For me, they just have to be nice to me, nice to my family, nice to my friends...." [Linda]
"Yea..yea..yea.." Kate said, cutting Linda off, "Let's put it this way, which do you find more important in a boyfriend? Looks or personality?"
"Personality," Linda said without thinking.
"Well, it depends," said Fala, " because when you first like a person, you can like them for their looks AND personality..and then when you 'deeply love' them, and they turn ugly, you would still stay by their side and all.."
"Dude..I asked you one gave me a whole essay..I lost you after you said 'it depends'" [Kate]
"Fine then what do you look for?" [Fala]
"Both" [Kate]
"That's what I just said!" [Fala]
"Yea but I made my answer clear in one word..You had a whole speech and after that, I STILL didn't know what your answer to my question was..." [Kate]
While the two were arguing, Linda was deep in her thoughts. She has never been in a relationship before. She doesn't ask for much in a guy. He doesn't need to have good looks nor wealth. All she wants is..
"Hey!" Fala slapped Linda back to reality.
"[cantonese: jok say ah! literally: seek death]" [Linda]
"Well I'm sorry..geez.." [Fala]
"Ya, Fala..Don't bother her, she's [cantonese: fat gun hau, literally: idk how to explain]" Kate says while filing her nails.
"What are you guys talking about?" Linda asks, trying to save herself.
"You probably have an eye out on your prey already," [Kate]
"You make it sound so nasty..and by the way, THIS is what they teach you in the U.S.?" [Linda]
"'s only her.." [Fala] "Out of the 3 guys next door, who would you choose?"
"I don't know..dude..this is awkward.." [Kate]
"Ya..I really don't know..." [Linda]
"Fine...Let's put it this way..Would you date Bosco?" Fala asked
"I guess.." Linda replied. She was not the type of person to reveal her true feelings all the time.
"Well, he's rich.." [Kate]
"You're so shallow" Linda commented.
"Hey, I admit it," Kate said proudly.
"" Fala asked.
"Yea..I guess..He's pretty nice," Linda admitted.
"Yea..he's rich...he has the looks..and yea..he's a nice guy," Kate replied.
"And how about Ron?" Fala asked.
"Err..maybe..I mean after all, he IS a good guy..and he DOES come up with good jokes.." Linda replied.
"Umm..probably not...Honestly, I don't think I would ever have feelings for him because I see him more as a brother..especially since we are both police officers on the same 'team'" [Kate] " the way, speaking of Ron, he's applying to be an SDU."
"What's that?" Linda asked cluelessly.
"Special Duties Unit," Fala said quickly and then devoting her full attention to Kate.
"That's all I know..You can ask him for more information. He applied and now, I think all the applicants are training for the fitness test," Kate explained.
"Wait..when do you know when you get in?" Fala asked.
"I don't know. I only know that they have a whole 'nother like 3 months to train. Maybe more," Kate said. With that, she turned her attention back to FORENSIC HEROES 3.
The next morning, the three girls were watching the latest TVB drama when the doorbell rang. No one got up.
"You go," Linda nudged Fala, "I'm tired.."
"I'm tired too. You go," Fala commanded, tossing a stuffed dog at Kate.
"No..shhh...The show's about to start..." Kate hushed.
"Well I'm not going," Fala crossed her arms.
"Neither am I," Linda imitated Fala and crossed her arms. Kate glared at the two and reluctantly pushed herself off the seat and shuffled to the door.
"Coming..." Kate screamed. She opened the door to find Bosco and Raymond standing there.
" 'sup?" Bosco asked, plopping down in the seat next to Fala, making himself at home.
Fala ignoring Bosco, looked around for Ron. He wasn't there. "Where's the other one?" she asked Raymond.
"Oh..he's training or something," Raymond said as he plopped down in Kate's seat.
"Yea right..He's probably out with one of his girlfriends," [Bosco]
"No one would date him," commented Kate.
"Hey pass me a can of coke," Raymond nudged Linda.
"Get it yourself," Linda nudged back.
"Fine, be that way. Go ahead and make me trek all the way to the coffee table and carry a whole can of coke all the way back here," Raymond exaggerated.
"The coffee table's like 2 feet away," Linda gave up and tossed Raymond a can of coke.
"And I win again," Raymond cheered.
"That's because it's Linda. Everyone wins against her," Bosco chimed in. Linda, who could not think of a comeback just threw a pillow at him. Kate, so absorbed in her drama, was not aware of her surroundings.
"Hey, toss me a can of coke," Kate ordered, her eyes still glued onto the TV screen.
"He took the last one," Linda pointed to Raymond.
"Ugh, you suck," Kate sulked, "Someone go buy some more."
"Go get it yourself. You're so lazy. Why are you guys even watching this stuff?" Bosco asked.
"Because the male lead is hot," Kate said without even thinking.
"Well, I'm hotter," Bosco claimed.
"Ha..ha.." Fala laughed, "What a joke.."
"Shut up," Bosco said to Fala.
"No seriously though, someone go get more coke," Kate said.
"Not me!" they all exclaimed, all except Fala.
"Ugh..Me again?" Fala complained, getting up from her seat, "Give me money."
"Don't ask me for it. You know I don't have any. You might as well ask the hobos on the street. Ask Bosco. He's rich," Kate said. Fala turned her attention to Bosco.
"I'm not rich. My dad's rich. There's a difference" [Bosco]
Raymond pulled out some money and handed it to Fala. "I'll keep the change," Fala said, running out the door.
Ron who was using the gym downstairs had just finished working out when he saw Fala walk out of the lobby. He went up behind her.
"Hey, where you going?" Ron asked.
"Buying soda," Fala answered. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be 'working out'?"
"I just finished," Ron said, following Fala into the store.
Fala grabbed two packs of soda and headed for the cash register. While she was paying, she said, "You want to train right? Here, carry these upstairs for me," she ordered, handing the soda to Ron.
"C'mon," Ron complained, reaching for the bags,"I was in that gym for like 3 hours already. It was horrible! There were 'pork chops' [ugly girls] every where! None of them were 'edible'! I feel so violated."
"You're so shallow, always about the looks. Watch, you're going to get married with one of them one day. And violated?" Fala skipped to the door.
" 'Choi! [cantonese, i think it's like 'touchwood'] I will not lower my standards and eat pork chops, save them for Ray & Bosco. And yes, violated. They came over and started.." Ron made a puke face, "touching me." He shivered as they went into the elevator. Fala stuck her hand in Ron's direction, reaching for the buttons on the elevator. "Ahh!" Ron screamed, "Now it's YOUR turn? Enough violation for the day!"
Fala pressed the button, "Stupid! 'haan dee la!' [cantonese, it's literally like 'save dee lah!']"
"Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if you did. After all, I am charming and handsome and muscular and good looking and smart and..." Ron continued.
"Yea..uh huh..You wish," Fala said, stepping out of the elevator, "In you're dreams."
"Well then I must be dreaming right now," Ron said, unashamed.
The two of them rejoined the crew. "Ugh. Worst elevator ride ever," Fala complained.
"Can't you two just give it a break?" [Bosco]
"Hey, according to my experiences.." [Kate]
"Experiences of what?" Linda asked.
"Of watching TVB dramas, two people who often bicker usually end up together," Kate proudly declared.
"Stupid," Ron said to Kate.
"Hey, that's true though. At least in TV dramas," Linda added.
"Well in TV dramas, all the actresses are good looking and when you look at her.." Ron pointed to Fala.
"You.." Fala threw a pillow at Ron. "Well on TV, all the actors are good looking but when you look at HIM.." she glared at Ron.
"When you look at me, I'm even MORE handsome," Ron claimed.
"Dude, he said he was willing to wash all the clothes, do all the chores for his girlfriend if he finds a hot one," Raymond exposed.
"Dude..what happened to his dignity [cantonese: juun yeem; it sounds like bottle of salt] ?" Bosco asked.
"He poured all of it in his porridge this morning," Fala said. [b/c dignity in cantonese is juun yeem and it sounds like bottle of salt]
"Very funny. At least I had any to start with," Ron retorted.
"Forget you, I'm leaving," Fala picked her bag up from the floor and walked out the door. "I'm not coming home for dinner," she said as she walked out the door.
When Fala was out of earshot, Raymond whacked Ron with a pillow, "Dude, stop fighting with her all the time. You guys are like a dog and a cat."
"Yea, dude..not cool. You made her leave her own apartment," Bosco added.
Ron sighed, "You guys are all idiots. She's not mad at me. Did you see her? She was all dolled up before she left. I'm 99% sure she finally found someone that was willing to take her. I bet they're blind."
"Well, all girls like to doll themselves up and stuff..Never heard her talking about her boyfriend or anything..Never even knew she had one.." Linda chimed in.
Bosco added, "All girls like to get dolled up and stuff..all girls except Kate." Kate whacked Bosco on the head and went back to her TV drama.
Ron sighed once more, "You guys don't understand girls. I have had the most experience with these 'unique animals' so therefore I am right. End of discussion."
Kate, with her eyes still glued onto the TV screen, added, "Aiya. You guys can just ask her when she gets home tonight."
Raymond added, "Well how do you know she's even coming home tonight?" He winked.
"You're learning," Ron said to Raymond.
"All of you guys are so sick-minded. You pervs.." Linda said, reaching for a strawberry.
"Hey..I didn't say anything," Bosco clarified.
"I'm hungry..Let's go get dinner," [Kate]
"Ugh..I don't wanna walk.." Raymond complained.
"Let's just make one person go get it," [Linda]
"Ugh. Fala's not here. We can't make her go get it," Ron added.
"How about.." Raymond thought aloud, "The oldest person has to get it?"
"K..I'm cool with that," Kate agreed, "So it's between you three boys."
Raymond and Bosco eyed Ron. "Ugh," Ron got up from his seat, "You guys planned this. Hold on. Let me finish this drama."
"Fine," [Bosco]
About an hour passed when Ron was finished with his drama. He went to a local cafe and made his order. While waiting for his order, he spotted Fala, eating with a guy who seemed like her boyfriend. Ron went over to say 'hi' when her 'boyfriend' left his seat. "Hey," Ron said, plopping down in Fala's 'boyfriend's' seat.
"Hey, go away! Someone's sitting there," Fala whispered.
"Your boyfriend? Is he blind?" Ron joked.
"None of your business," she whispered while attempting to push Ron away, "what are you doing here?"
"I'm getting take-out for those pigs," he said.
"Well now you know how I feel," Fala said.
"As a matter of fact, no I do not. I was chosen to carry out such a difficult task because of fate while you were chosen because you're stupid, always one step behind," [Ron]
"Ugh. Just go away. I don't want to argue with you," Fala said, once again trying to push Ron away. Just then, Fala's 'boyfriend' had arrived back at the table.
"Hi," he said politely.
"Hey, 'sup dawg," Ron said, still in the seat.
"Oh..umm..Let me introduce you guys. This is Ron and this is Steven," Fala introduced.
"Hi, I'm Steven Ma, CEO of the Ritz Carlton," Steven said, handing a business card to Ron.
"Oh, that rich-people hotel 3 blocks away?" Ron whispered to Fala, "Wow...You really know how to choose your guys." He turned his attention back to Steven and reached out his arm for a handshake, "Hi, I'm Sergeant Ron Ng, her boyfriend." Steven cocked his head in confusion. "He..he..her boy know? Male friend."
"Ha, ha. You're quite a funny guy," Steven laughed politely.
Fala, wanting to continue her date with Steven ended their conversation. "Oh you should go check if your order's ready yet," she told Ron, "You know..It wouldn't be too nice if you kept your friends waiting." Fala pushed Ron towards the cash register and resumed her dinner with a sigh of relief after Ron left.
A couple of hours later, Fala had reached the door of her apartment, realizing that she forgot her keys. She rung the doorbell only to have Ron open the door. "Hey, home already? We thought you weren't going to come home," Ron said with a smile. She glared at Ron for a moment before heading to her room, "I'm going to go shower," she declared.
"Remember not to use hot water! It might make you're wrinkles more severe!" Ron screamed.
"Dude, give her a break," Linda commented.
"Yea..Stop being so mean to her," Raymond added.
"Yea, be nicer to her..or I'm going to screw up your appraisal at the end of the year. Let's see if you can still become an SDU," [Kate]
"You..." Ron said to Kate reluctantly, "Fine, I'll TRY."
------------------------------- basically, you guys kinda already know one of the'm sure some readers already know that the obvious couple is my most wished pairing. I'm not naming them because for those who don't know, I don't want to spoil it for them. And for those of you who do know and are not too fond of this pair, don't worry, I'm not only going to focus on this pair. I'll have more stuff on the other characters later on but I had to start somewhere. Well, hope you guys like it. Also, I hope Ron doesn't seem like a bad character. I didn't mean for him to be a 'dislikeable' character..Sorry...i find that the first 3 chapters have been pretty there's not real action going no problems or anything..but i'll try to add some by the next chapter..That's it for now and thanks for supporting my fanfic! If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to email me or leave a message in the chatbox!
"Ugh. Do we have to watch HEART OF GREED again?" Kate complained, "Can we watch FORENSIC HEROES 3? Come on, it's new."
"But.." Fala tried to save herself.
"Come on. All they do is fight for the money." Kate imitated, "'It's my money!' ''s MY money!'"
Fala laughed at Kate's imitation, "Fiiiinnnee.." and threw a pillow at her, accidentally knocking over a cup of tea.
Linda, rushing out of the kitchen, yelled, " You guys...Again? Can you guys wipe it up?"
Kate, so absorbed in her drama, just said, "Chilll....It's just a cup of tea...She'll do it later.."
Fala chimed in, "'s just a cup of tea..You're a neat freak.."
"Sorry," Linda apologized, afraid of losing her roommates.
"'s fine..we were just kidding..just have fun..relax..Fala's gunna wipe it up right now, right Fala?" [Kate]
"Yea..I'M going to wipe it up..because I'm a nice person..unlike SOMEONE...ahem, Kate Tsui," [Fala] With that, Kate reached for a pillow and aimed for Fala but Fala had successfully escaped by running to the kitchen.
After cleaning up her mess, Fala plopped down in her seat, "Ahh...That was some hard work..That's enough exercise to last me for the next 2 weeks.."
" wiped a cup of tea.." [Kate]
"Hey, at least I wiped a cup of tea...What did you do?" Fala imitated Kate, "'Oh my god..He [referring to an artiste] is so hott..I am SO going to marry him..oh my god!'"
"Just don't...Fine, what do you look for in a guy?" [Kate]
"I don't know..I don't hunt for guys like you..It just comes.." [Fala]
"For me, they just have to be nice to me, nice to my family, nice to my friends...." [Linda]
"Yea..yea..yea.." Kate said, cutting Linda off, "Let's put it this way, which do you find more important in a boyfriend? Looks or personality?"
"Personality," Linda said without thinking.
"Well, it depends," said Fala, " because when you first like a person, you can like them for their looks AND personality..and then when you 'deeply love' them, and they turn ugly, you would still stay by their side and all.."
"Dude..I asked you one gave me a whole essay..I lost you after you said 'it depends'" [Kate]
"Fine then what do you look for?" [Fala]
"Both" [Kate]
"That's what I just said!" [Fala]
"Yea but I made my answer clear in one word..You had a whole speech and after that, I STILL didn't know what your answer to my question was..." [Kate]
While the two were arguing, Linda was deep in her thoughts. She has never been in a relationship before. She doesn't ask for much in a guy. He doesn't need to have good looks nor wealth. All she wants is..
"Hey!" Fala slapped Linda back to reality.
"[cantonese: jok say ah! literally: seek death]" [Linda]
"Well I'm sorry..geez.." [Fala]
"Ya, Fala..Don't bother her, she's [cantonese: fat gun hau, literally: idk how to explain]" Kate says while filing her nails.
"What are you guys talking about?" Linda asks, trying to save herself.
"You probably have an eye out on your prey already," [Kate]
"You make it sound so nasty..and by the way, THIS is what they teach you in the U.S.?" [Linda]
"'s only her.." [Fala] "Out of the 3 guys next door, who would you choose?"
"I don't know..dude..this is awkward.." [Kate]
"Ya..I really don't know..." [Linda]
"Fine...Let's put it this way..Would you date Bosco?" Fala asked
"I guess.." Linda replied. She was not the type of person to reveal her true feelings all the time.
"Well, he's rich.." [Kate]
"You're so shallow" Linda commented.
"Hey, I admit it," Kate said proudly.
"" Fala asked.
"Yea..I guess..He's pretty nice," Linda admitted.
"Yea..he's rich...he has the looks..and yea..he's a nice guy," Kate replied.
"And how about Ron?" Fala asked.
"Err..maybe..I mean after all, he IS a good guy..and he DOES come up with good jokes.." Linda replied.
"Umm..probably not...Honestly, I don't think I would ever have feelings for him because I see him more as a brother..especially since we are both police officers on the same 'team'" [Kate] " the way, speaking of Ron, he's applying to be an SDU."
"What's that?" Linda asked cluelessly.
"Special Duties Unit," Fala said quickly and then devoting her full attention to Kate.
"That's all I know..You can ask him for more information. He applied and now, I think all the applicants are training for the fitness test," Kate explained.
"Wait..when do you know when you get in?" Fala asked.
"I don't know. I only know that they have a whole 'nother like 3 months to train. Maybe more," Kate said. With that, she turned her attention back to FORENSIC HEROES 3.
The next morning, the three girls were watching the latest TVB drama when the doorbell rang. No one got up.
"You go," Linda nudged Fala, "I'm tired.."
"I'm tired too. You go," Fala commanded, tossing a stuffed dog at Kate.
"No..shhh...The show's about to start..." Kate hushed.
"Well I'm not going," Fala crossed her arms.
"Neither am I," Linda imitated Fala and crossed her arms. Kate glared at the two and reluctantly pushed herself off the seat and shuffled to the door.
"Coming..." Kate screamed. She opened the door to find Bosco and Raymond standing there.
" 'sup?" Bosco asked, plopping down in the seat next to Fala, making himself at home.
Fala ignoring Bosco, looked around for Ron. He wasn't there. "Where's the other one?" she asked Raymond.
"Oh..he's training or something," Raymond said as he plopped down in Kate's seat.
"Yea right..He's probably out with one of his girlfriends," [Bosco]
"No one would date him," commented Kate.
"Hey pass me a can of coke," Raymond nudged Linda.
"Get it yourself," Linda nudged back.
"Fine, be that way. Go ahead and make me trek all the way to the coffee table and carry a whole can of coke all the way back here," Raymond exaggerated.
"The coffee table's like 2 feet away," Linda gave up and tossed Raymond a can of coke.
"And I win again," Raymond cheered.
"That's because it's Linda. Everyone wins against her," Bosco chimed in. Linda, who could not think of a comeback just threw a pillow at him. Kate, so absorbed in her drama, was not aware of her surroundings.
"Hey, toss me a can of coke," Kate ordered, her eyes still glued onto the TV screen.
"He took the last one," Linda pointed to Raymond.
"Ugh, you suck," Kate sulked, "Someone go buy some more."
"Go get it yourself. You're so lazy. Why are you guys even watching this stuff?" Bosco asked.
"Because the male lead is hot," Kate said without even thinking.
"Well, I'm hotter," Bosco claimed.
"Ha..ha.." Fala laughed, "What a joke.."
"Shut up," Bosco said to Fala.
"No seriously though, someone go get more coke," Kate said.
"Not me!" they all exclaimed, all except Fala.
"Ugh..Me again?" Fala complained, getting up from her seat, "Give me money."
"Don't ask me for it. You know I don't have any. You might as well ask the hobos on the street. Ask Bosco. He's rich," Kate said. Fala turned her attention to Bosco.
"I'm not rich. My dad's rich. There's a difference" [Bosco]
Raymond pulled out some money and handed it to Fala. "I'll keep the change," Fala said, running out the door.
Ron who was using the gym downstairs had just finished working out when he saw Fala walk out of the lobby. He went up behind her.
"Hey, where you going?" Ron asked.
"Buying soda," Fala answered. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be 'working out'?"
"I just finished," Ron said, following Fala into the store.
Fala grabbed two packs of soda and headed for the cash register. While she was paying, she said, "You want to train right? Here, carry these upstairs for me," she ordered, handing the soda to Ron.
"C'mon," Ron complained, reaching for the bags,"I was in that gym for like 3 hours already. It was horrible! There were 'pork chops' [ugly girls] every where! None of them were 'edible'! I feel so violated."
"You're so shallow, always about the looks. Watch, you're going to get married with one of them one day. And violated?" Fala skipped to the door.
" 'Choi! [cantonese, i think it's like 'touchwood'] I will not lower my standards and eat pork chops, save them for Ray & Bosco. And yes, violated. They came over and started.." Ron made a puke face, "touching me." He shivered as they went into the elevator. Fala stuck her hand in Ron's direction, reaching for the buttons on the elevator. "Ahh!" Ron screamed, "Now it's YOUR turn? Enough violation for the day!"
Fala pressed the button, "Stupid! 'haan dee la!' [cantonese, it's literally like 'save dee lah!']"
"Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if you did. After all, I am charming and handsome and muscular and good looking and smart and..." Ron continued.
"Yea..uh huh..You wish," Fala said, stepping out of the elevator, "In you're dreams."
"Well then I must be dreaming right now," Ron said, unashamed.
The two of them rejoined the crew. "Ugh. Worst elevator ride ever," Fala complained.
"Can't you two just give it a break?" [Bosco]
"Hey, according to my experiences.." [Kate]
"Experiences of what?" Linda asked.
"Of watching TVB dramas, two people who often bicker usually end up together," Kate proudly declared.
"Stupid," Ron said to Kate.
"Hey, that's true though. At least in TV dramas," Linda added.
"Well in TV dramas, all the actresses are good looking and when you look at her.." Ron pointed to Fala.
"You.." Fala threw a pillow at Ron. "Well on TV, all the actors are good looking but when you look at HIM.." she glared at Ron.
"When you look at me, I'm even MORE handsome," Ron claimed.
"Dude, he said he was willing to wash all the clothes, do all the chores for his girlfriend if he finds a hot one," Raymond exposed.
"Dude..what happened to his dignity [cantonese: juun yeem; it sounds like bottle of salt] ?" Bosco asked.
"He poured all of it in his porridge this morning," Fala said. [b/c dignity in cantonese is juun yeem and it sounds like bottle of salt]
"Very funny. At least I had any to start with," Ron retorted.
"Forget you, I'm leaving," Fala picked her bag up from the floor and walked out the door. "I'm not coming home for dinner," she said as she walked out the door.
When Fala was out of earshot, Raymond whacked Ron with a pillow, "Dude, stop fighting with her all the time. You guys are like a dog and a cat."
"Yea, dude..not cool. You made her leave her own apartment," Bosco added.
Ron sighed, "You guys are all idiots. She's not mad at me. Did you see her? She was all dolled up before she left. I'm 99% sure she finally found someone that was willing to take her. I bet they're blind."
"Well, all girls like to doll themselves up and stuff..Never heard her talking about her boyfriend or anything..Never even knew she had one.." Linda chimed in.
Bosco added, "All girls like to get dolled up and stuff..all girls except Kate." Kate whacked Bosco on the head and went back to her TV drama.
Ron sighed once more, "You guys don't understand girls. I have had the most experience with these 'unique animals' so therefore I am right. End of discussion."
Kate, with her eyes still glued onto the TV screen, added, "Aiya. You guys can just ask her when she gets home tonight."
Raymond added, "Well how do you know she's even coming home tonight?" He winked.
"You're learning," Ron said to Raymond.
"All of you guys are so sick-minded. You pervs.." Linda said, reaching for a strawberry.
"Hey..I didn't say anything," Bosco clarified.
"I'm hungry..Let's go get dinner," [Kate]
"Ugh..I don't wanna walk.." Raymond complained.
"Let's just make one person go get it," [Linda]
"Ugh. Fala's not here. We can't make her go get it," Ron added.
"How about.." Raymond thought aloud, "The oldest person has to get it?"
"K..I'm cool with that," Kate agreed, "So it's between you three boys."
Raymond and Bosco eyed Ron. "Ugh," Ron got up from his seat, "You guys planned this. Hold on. Let me finish this drama."
"Fine," [Bosco]
About an hour passed when Ron was finished with his drama. He went to a local cafe and made his order. While waiting for his order, he spotted Fala, eating with a guy who seemed like her boyfriend. Ron went over to say 'hi' when her 'boyfriend' left his seat. "Hey," Ron said, plopping down in Fala's 'boyfriend's' seat.
"Hey, go away! Someone's sitting there," Fala whispered.
"Your boyfriend? Is he blind?" Ron joked.
"None of your business," she whispered while attempting to push Ron away, "what are you doing here?"
"I'm getting take-out for those pigs," he said.
"Well now you know how I feel," Fala said.
"As a matter of fact, no I do not. I was chosen to carry out such a difficult task because of fate while you were chosen because you're stupid, always one step behind," [Ron]
"Ugh. Just go away. I don't want to argue with you," Fala said, once again trying to push Ron away. Just then, Fala's 'boyfriend' had arrived back at the table.
"Hi," he said politely.
"Hey, 'sup dawg," Ron said, still in the seat.
"Oh..umm..Let me introduce you guys. This is Ron and this is Steven," Fala introduced.
"Hi, I'm Steven Ma, CEO of the Ritz Carlton," Steven said, handing a business card to Ron.
"Oh, that rich-people hotel 3 blocks away?" Ron whispered to Fala, "Wow...You really know how to choose your guys." He turned his attention back to Steven and reached out his arm for a handshake, "Hi, I'm Sergeant Ron Ng, her boyfriend." Steven cocked his head in confusion. "He..he..her boy know? Male friend."
"Ha, ha. You're quite a funny guy," Steven laughed politely.
Fala, wanting to continue her date with Steven ended their conversation. "Oh you should go check if your order's ready yet," she told Ron, "You know..It wouldn't be too nice if you kept your friends waiting." Fala pushed Ron towards the cash register and resumed her dinner with a sigh of relief after Ron left.
A couple of hours later, Fala had reached the door of her apartment, realizing that she forgot her keys. She rung the doorbell only to have Ron open the door. "Hey, home already? We thought you weren't going to come home," Ron said with a smile. She glared at Ron for a moment before heading to her room, "I'm going to go shower," she declared.
"Remember not to use hot water! It might make you're wrinkles more severe!" Ron screamed.
"Dude, give her a break," Linda commented.
"Yea..Stop being so mean to her," Raymond added.
"Yea, be nicer to her..or I'm going to screw up your appraisal at the end of the year. Let's see if you can still become an SDU," [Kate]
"You..." Ron said to Kate reluctantly, "Fine, I'll TRY."
------------------------------- basically, you guys kinda already know one of the'm sure some readers already know that the obvious couple is my most wished pairing. I'm not naming them because for those who don't know, I don't want to spoil it for them. And for those of you who do know and are not too fond of this pair, don't worry, I'm not only going to focus on this pair. I'll have more stuff on the other characters later on but I had to start somewhere. Well, hope you guys like it. Also, I hope Ron doesn't seem like a bad character. I didn't mean for him to be a 'dislikeable' character..Sorry...i find that the first 3 chapters have been pretty there's not real action going no problems or anything..but i'll try to add some by the next chapter..That's it for now and thanks for supporting my fanfic! If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to email me or leave a message in the chatbox!
Friday, August 17, 2012
TVB CLASSIC SCENES i was writing my fanfic..and i was thinking of some of TVB's scenes to see if i could use one..and then i decided to do this post because i'm stuck on chapter 3 of my fanfic..I had it all planned out...and then when i wrote it all out, i was like..'no..' and then i had to restart the whole thing..anyways..back to are some of the 'classic tvb scenes':
- There's a couple and they get into a fight or something so they go out and take a walk while sad music is playing in the background. And then the couple walk past each other without even knowing. There's usually people and other obstacles in the way. lol..I remember one from TO CATCH THE UNCATCHABLE
- The cliff hanging scene-TVB changes it to the 'hanging off the building' scenes..There's always a person, i would say mostly females, who want to commit suicide and then the main characters come and convince her/him to come back down and she's about to go back down but she slips and falls but luckily, she/he grabs a hold of something and someone pulls her/him back up.
- The characters going by the sea when they're 'heartbroken'
- The car accident troll-It's always something along the lines of like a couple talking on the phone and then suddenly, the girl hears a crashing noise from the phone and the guy doesn't she rushes over to the guy's location only to find him safe and sound and then they hug and the girl goes like 'you scared me'
- The drowning troll-This one is where there's a person who's drowning and they rescue them and bring them back on shore. But back on shore, the person still isn't 'awake' they try to save them and stuff..and they still don't come back to life..and then the other character starts crying..and then the drowned person coughs and 'wakes up'
lol..i'm sorta kinda making fun of these scenes b/c when you type them up and describe them in words, it's sound really cheesy..but when you actually see it on TV and stuff u go like 'aww...'
Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates and I'm sorry to say that it'll be like this for like the next 3 weeks. Sorry! And also, I've finished TIGER CUBS but that's it. I haven't finished THREE KINGDOMS RPG and I have started on GHETTO JUSTICE..but I stopped watching b/c I just don't have time. Also, I haven't started KING MAKER'll have a lot of catching up to do later on..umm..idk wut else 2 say..haha..well, i'll post up another chapter of my fanfic after this post..and then idk after that..I have no life..For the next 3 weeks, I'm going to have to go to tutor from after school til around 9:30..and then I have to do my homework sorry! i really don't have time!! And after that, I'll be a bit more active online..hopefully..I'll still be taking classes but they're not as time-consuming..but I have to complete my service hours so :P lol..I'm just complaining about my life rite it's like the life of the typical Asian at my school..haha..umm..about graphics and stuff..the earliest i can start on them is like 3 weeks from now..*sighz* the worst part is, I have to skip my daily 2 hour TVB session :( and no more stalking ): ya so basically, before I leave again, I'll write another chapter for fanfic, reply to the messages 2mrw, and that's it i guess..i WILL do a review on TIGER CUBS..but i think it's gunna b super late..but I'm still going 2 do it b/c it's one of my favorite dramas this year :D haha..btw, new obsession: Him Law!! :D lol..ya...i have a new obsession like every other drama or, i might have random posts here and there..but that's it..sorry guys! thanks 4 ur support tho!! btw, most of my posts will probably be like fanfics and stuff b/c i'll pause on the dramas and stuff..which i really don't want 2 esp. since Him Law's new drama is coming up :'( ok..i'll go start on the fanfic now..
Thursday, August 2, 2012
"Kate, wake up. Go say 'Good Morning' to your father after you brush your teeth" Kate's mom ordered.
"Mom, I don't get you guys. Why do you guys talk to the dead?" Kate asked with her eyes still closed.
"Aiya! Just get up and do as I say. Your father died when he was chasing the bank robbers. You can go ask his police colleagues." [Kate's mom]
"That's still not the answer to my question," Kate mumbled. After eating breakfast and getting ready, she headed out to meet Fala and her new roommate. Arriving at the residential building, she was amazed. "Woow...this place is amazing!" On the way to the elevator, she passed by a map. "Oh my god. There's even a 7-Eleven downstairs! OMG! A pool AND a gym?!" Kate screamed in delight.
"There's a library & a private park too," Fala said, sneaking up behind Kate. Kate turned around to see who it was. "This is Linda, this is Kate," she introduced.
"Hey," Linda said with a smile.
"Hi..haha..You guys scared me. This place is awesome!" [Kate]
"I know! The apartment is really nice too! The interior design is amazing!" [Linda]
"Eek! I'm so excited! Can't wait! Why is the elevator taking so long?" Kate asked impatiently. Just then, the elevator doors popped open.
"Speak of devil," Fala replied. With that, the three of them poured into the elevator. Behind them, two guys about their age were considering the apartment next to theirs. "Are they our future neighbors?" Fala whispered after getting out of the elevator.
"I don't know...It's my first time here," Kate said, admiring the halls.
"It doesn't matter..unless...." Linda said with a sly smile, clearly implying something.
"No!" Fala denied with a smile.
"Okay..okay.." [Linda]
After a tour of the apartment, Kate agreed to rent the place with Fala and Linda. "Yay! We have a new home now!" Linda exclaimed.
"Hey are you guys busy today?" Fala asked while waiting for the elevator.
"No, why?" asked Linda.
"It depends on what you want me to do.." replied Kate.
"I was wondering if you guys wanted to go shopping for new furniture and stuff" [Fala]
Before the two girls had a chance to reply, the two guys next door came to introduce themselves. "Hey," one said.
"You guys moving in?" asked the other.
"Ya.." the three of them replied.
"Looks like we'll be neighbors. We're moving in next to you guys. I'm Raymond," Raymond said with a welcoming smile.
"And I'm Bosco," Bosco said with a friendly smile.
"Hi, I'm Linda"
"Hi, I'm Kate"
"And I'm Fala"
"I couldn't help but overhear you guys going out to buy furniture for your new apartment. Do you mind if we join you guys?" asked Bosco.
"I'm cool with it," Kate said coolly.
"Fine with me," Fala said with a smile.
"MmKay," Linda said nicely.
After a long ride through the heavy traffic of people rushing to work, the five of them finally arrived at the store. Luckily, it was a weekday morning. There weren't many people. " drive so slow," Kate exclaimed, unafraid.
"Well, SORRY," Bosco said jokingly. "Why don't you drive on the way back?"
Finally inside the store, the 5 of them had already split up unknowingly. When they realized that they split up, they all just thought "Oh well..we can meet up later" and with that, each one of them began taking notes of the items they wanted.
Bosco was in the bedding section when he saw Fala looking at the sofas. Walking over to Fala, he said "Hey Fala. Come over here. I found something for you"
"Wait hold on..I need to copy down the number of this sofa so we can find it later" Fala replied.
After Fala was done, Bosco dragged her from the hand to the cushions section. "What's that 'something' you found for me, Mr. Wong?"
Picking up two round cushions from the pile, Bosco exclaimed, "These!"
Fala shook her head in confusion, "Don't get it..." To explain to Fala, Bosco thought there was no better way than to demonstrate. He stuffed both of them in his shirt in the chest area. When Fala finally got it, she slapped him with a laugh, "You're disgusting!" In response, Bosco lightly hit her with a pillow. Soon, the two were involved in a pillow fight. It was all fun and games until a staff member came along and gave them 'the look.' Embarrassed, Fala quickly walked over to the mattresses, running back into Linda and Kate. After a long search for Raymond, both the guys and the girls picked their decided on furniture and split up the costs. After that, they decided to go out and have lunch together.
While waiting for their food, the 5 of them decided to introduce themselves a little more. The guys went first. Raymond, introducing Bosco instead of himself, said "he's Bosco Wong, age 22, rich kid, & SINGLE!" With that, Bosco elbowed his friend.
"Hey, after college, I haven't been using my family's money. It's my family that's rich, not me" Bosco clarified. "This is the rich kid, age 22, only son, and the girls love him," Bosco said about Raymond. Before Raymond could slap him, the waiter arrived at their table with their order.
"Soo..what do you guys plan on doing? You in a job..." asked Raymond.
With a mouth full of food, Kate blurted out, "Before coming back to Hong Kong, I already applied for Senior Inspector of the HK Police. They said I could go for a job interview tomorrow."
"Cover your mouth," Linda ordered with a smile.
"You're just like my mom," Kate said in response. "So Mom, what do you plan on doing?"
With a smile, Linda replied, "I'm a social worker. Well, actually, I just got the job like a week ago."
"Wow, you have a job already? Nice," Fala added.
" we just got let out a bit early from HKU," Linda answered.
" guys don't know each other?" asked Raymond, with a confused look. Before he had the chance to receive answer from either one of them, the waiter came with their check.
"I'll pay," offered Raymond.
"No. It's fine, we can just pay for ourselves," added Linda.
"It's fine..He's rich, remember?" Bosco chimed in.
"Shut up," Raymond said, nudging Bosco.
Things are just hectic today for Kate. She just finished her interview and her superior already wants her to get started on work. Could she say no? On top of that, the day has finally come for her to move into the apartment. Sadly, she has to wait to after work. "No..I can't...I'm at work..I have to wait 'til 5...sorry!" Kate whispered into her phone.
"Madam, everything okay?" asked one of her subordinates, by the name of Ron.
"Ya..everything's fine..I just didn't think I would be here today.." complained Kate.
"Did you have something planned?" [Ron]
"I was going to move into my new apartment today with my friends. But Ko Sir decided that I should start 'as soon as possible'," Kate said, mocking her superior.
"Wait, do you happen to know any apartments for rent?" asked Ron.
"Why, you want to rent one? I could ask for you, but no promises," [Kate]
"Thank you! If you find me a place, I'll call you big bro from now on!" [Ron]
Kate on the phone, replied with an awkward, "No thanks.." When Raymond finally picked up, Kate asked, "Hey Raymond, I have this colleague and he's looking for a you guys have an extra room for him?"
Raymond jokingly asked, "It depends. Is he good-looking?"
"Why does that matter? Are you gay?" Kate joked.
"Okay..okay..Yea..we have an extra room..AS LONG AS HE'S NOT GAY.." Raymond clarified.
"Kk thanks. I'll bring him up tonight," finished Kate. "Hey are you gay?" Kate asked Ron. Ron only responded with a puzzled look.
After Ron moved in and joined their crew, he brought them lots of laughter and cheer. Kate who has a black belt claimed she could chop a board in half with her bare hands. Taking a scrap of wood from the pile of trash left over from their move-in, Ron gave the piece of wood to Kate, "Madam, I got the board out of Fala Chen's chest." With that, Fala and Ron were engaged in war. They threw pillows at each other.
Finally, Linda ended it all with her motherly command, "Guys, stop..You're so immature!" She was able to end the pillow fight. But the two started another war soon after.
While watching a movie, Ron was in charge of cutting their celebratory cake. When Fala wasn't looking, he took the chance to wipe some cream on her face. Seeking revenge, Fala tried to do the same. Unfortunately, Ron escaped and ran off into the hallway. "Woah there! Make sure you guys lock the door! We're all under 18 here, it's not suitable for us to hear or keep it quiet in there!" joked Bosco. With that, Bosco raised both of his arms to escape a slap from both Raymond and Linda. Both shared a smile. Meanwhile, Ron ended up hiding in the bathroom. However, he was unable to escape from Fala. Fala managed to get into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
"Woah. Did you hear that? They actually did lock the door," commented Raymond.
"Shut up! I'm trying to watch a movie," [Kate]
"Well, SORRY.." apologized Raymond.
" guys..look at this mess.." Linda said, getting up to clean the place.
"It's don't have to clean it up. We'll clean it up after, right Bosco?" [Raymond]
"No." [Bosco] Raymond nudged him.
"Wah! What are you going to do to me?" asked Ron in a frightened tone, hands crisscrossed over his chest. "I'm going to scream!" Fala stuck her hand near his face. "Hey watch it...I'm a cop.." When that didn't seem to make Fala leave, he used his last plan, "I'm going to pee.."
"Okay," Fala retorted quickly.
"I'm really going," Ron threatened, this time actually putting his hands near his zipper. That seemed to do the trick.
Fala rushed out of the bathroom screaming "You're crazy!!!"
"Haha..stupid.." Ron said as he bathed in his victory.
"Mom, I don't get you guys. Why do you guys talk to the dead?" Kate asked with her eyes still closed.
"Aiya! Just get up and do as I say. Your father died when he was chasing the bank robbers. You can go ask his police colleagues." [Kate's mom]
"That's still not the answer to my question," Kate mumbled. After eating breakfast and getting ready, she headed out to meet Fala and her new roommate. Arriving at the residential building, she was amazed. "Woow...this place is amazing!" On the way to the elevator, she passed by a map. "Oh my god. There's even a 7-Eleven downstairs! OMG! A pool AND a gym?!" Kate screamed in delight.
"There's a library & a private park too," Fala said, sneaking up behind Kate. Kate turned around to see who it was. "This is Linda, this is Kate," she introduced.
"Hey," Linda said with a smile.
"Hi..haha..You guys scared me. This place is awesome!" [Kate]
"I know! The apartment is really nice too! The interior design is amazing!" [Linda]
"Eek! I'm so excited! Can't wait! Why is the elevator taking so long?" Kate asked impatiently. Just then, the elevator doors popped open.
"Speak of devil," Fala replied. With that, the three of them poured into the elevator. Behind them, two guys about their age were considering the apartment next to theirs. "Are they our future neighbors?" Fala whispered after getting out of the elevator.
"I don't know...It's my first time here," Kate said, admiring the halls.
"It doesn't matter..unless...." Linda said with a sly smile, clearly implying something.
"No!" Fala denied with a smile.
"Okay..okay.." [Linda]
After a tour of the apartment, Kate agreed to rent the place with Fala and Linda. "Yay! We have a new home now!" Linda exclaimed.
"Hey are you guys busy today?" Fala asked while waiting for the elevator.
"No, why?" asked Linda.
"It depends on what you want me to do.." replied Kate.
"I was wondering if you guys wanted to go shopping for new furniture and stuff" [Fala]
Before the two girls had a chance to reply, the two guys next door came to introduce themselves. "Hey," one said.
"You guys moving in?" asked the other.
"Ya.." the three of them replied.
"Looks like we'll be neighbors. We're moving in next to you guys. I'm Raymond," Raymond said with a welcoming smile.
"And I'm Bosco," Bosco said with a friendly smile.
"Hi, I'm Linda"
"Hi, I'm Kate"
"And I'm Fala"
"I couldn't help but overhear you guys going out to buy furniture for your new apartment. Do you mind if we join you guys?" asked Bosco.
"I'm cool with it," Kate said coolly.
"Fine with me," Fala said with a smile.
"MmKay," Linda said nicely.
After a long ride through the heavy traffic of people rushing to work, the five of them finally arrived at the store. Luckily, it was a weekday morning. There weren't many people. " drive so slow," Kate exclaimed, unafraid.
"Well, SORRY," Bosco said jokingly. "Why don't you drive on the way back?"
Finally inside the store, the 5 of them had already split up unknowingly. When they realized that they split up, they all just thought "Oh well..we can meet up later" and with that, each one of them began taking notes of the items they wanted.
Bosco was in the bedding section when he saw Fala looking at the sofas. Walking over to Fala, he said "Hey Fala. Come over here. I found something for you"
"Wait hold on..I need to copy down the number of this sofa so we can find it later" Fala replied.
After Fala was done, Bosco dragged her from the hand to the cushions section. "What's that 'something' you found for me, Mr. Wong?"
Picking up two round cushions from the pile, Bosco exclaimed, "These!"
Fala shook her head in confusion, "Don't get it..." To explain to Fala, Bosco thought there was no better way than to demonstrate. He stuffed both of them in his shirt in the chest area. When Fala finally got it, she slapped him with a laugh, "You're disgusting!" In response, Bosco lightly hit her with a pillow. Soon, the two were involved in a pillow fight. It was all fun and games until a staff member came along and gave them 'the look.' Embarrassed, Fala quickly walked over to the mattresses, running back into Linda and Kate. After a long search for Raymond, both the guys and the girls picked their decided on furniture and split up the costs. After that, they decided to go out and have lunch together.
While waiting for their food, the 5 of them decided to introduce themselves a little more. The guys went first. Raymond, introducing Bosco instead of himself, said "he's Bosco Wong, age 22, rich kid, & SINGLE!" With that, Bosco elbowed his friend.
"Hey, after college, I haven't been using my family's money. It's my family that's rich, not me" Bosco clarified. "This is the rich kid, age 22, only son, and the girls love him," Bosco said about Raymond. Before Raymond could slap him, the waiter arrived at their table with their order.
"Soo..what do you guys plan on doing? You in a job..." asked Raymond.
With a mouth full of food, Kate blurted out, "Before coming back to Hong Kong, I already applied for Senior Inspector of the HK Police. They said I could go for a job interview tomorrow."
"Cover your mouth," Linda ordered with a smile.
"You're just like my mom," Kate said in response. "So Mom, what do you plan on doing?"
With a smile, Linda replied, "I'm a social worker. Well, actually, I just got the job like a week ago."
"Wow, you have a job already? Nice," Fala added.
" we just got let out a bit early from HKU," Linda answered.
" guys don't know each other?" asked Raymond, with a confused look. Before he had the chance to receive answer from either one of them, the waiter came with their check.
"I'll pay," offered Raymond.
"No. It's fine, we can just pay for ourselves," added Linda.
"It's fine..He's rich, remember?" Bosco chimed in.
"Shut up," Raymond said, nudging Bosco.
Things are just hectic today for Kate. She just finished her interview and her superior already wants her to get started on work. Could she say no? On top of that, the day has finally come for her to move into the apartment. Sadly, she has to wait to after work. "No..I can't...I'm at work..I have to wait 'til 5...sorry!" Kate whispered into her phone.
"Madam, everything okay?" asked one of her subordinates, by the name of Ron.
"Ya..everything's fine..I just didn't think I would be here today.." complained Kate.
"Did you have something planned?" [Ron]
"I was going to move into my new apartment today with my friends. But Ko Sir decided that I should start 'as soon as possible'," Kate said, mocking her superior.
"Wait, do you happen to know any apartments for rent?" asked Ron.
"Why, you want to rent one? I could ask for you, but no promises," [Kate]
"Thank you! If you find me a place, I'll call you big bro from now on!" [Ron]
Kate on the phone, replied with an awkward, "No thanks.." When Raymond finally picked up, Kate asked, "Hey Raymond, I have this colleague and he's looking for a you guys have an extra room for him?"
Raymond jokingly asked, "It depends. Is he good-looking?"
"Why does that matter? Are you gay?" Kate joked.
"Okay..okay..Yea..we have an extra room..AS LONG AS HE'S NOT GAY.." Raymond clarified.
"Kk thanks. I'll bring him up tonight," finished Kate. "Hey are you gay?" Kate asked Ron. Ron only responded with a puzzled look.
After Ron moved in and joined their crew, he brought them lots of laughter and cheer. Kate who has a black belt claimed she could chop a board in half with her bare hands. Taking a scrap of wood from the pile of trash left over from their move-in, Ron gave the piece of wood to Kate, "Madam, I got the board out of Fala Chen's chest." With that, Fala and Ron were engaged in war. They threw pillows at each other.
Finally, Linda ended it all with her motherly command, "Guys, stop..You're so immature!" She was able to end the pillow fight. But the two started another war soon after.
While watching a movie, Ron was in charge of cutting their celebratory cake. When Fala wasn't looking, he took the chance to wipe some cream on her face. Seeking revenge, Fala tried to do the same. Unfortunately, Ron escaped and ran off into the hallway. "Woah there! Make sure you guys lock the door! We're all under 18 here, it's not suitable for us to hear or keep it quiet in there!" joked Bosco. With that, Bosco raised both of his arms to escape a slap from both Raymond and Linda. Both shared a smile. Meanwhile, Ron ended up hiding in the bathroom. However, he was unable to escape from Fala. Fala managed to get into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
"Woah. Did you hear that? They actually did lock the door," commented Raymond.
"Shut up! I'm trying to watch a movie," [Kate]
"Well, SORRY.." apologized Raymond.
" guys..look at this mess.." Linda said, getting up to clean the place.
"It's don't have to clean it up. We'll clean it up after, right Bosco?" [Raymond]
"No." [Bosco] Raymond nudged him.
"Wah! What are you going to do to me?" asked Ron in a frightened tone, hands crisscrossed over his chest. "I'm going to scream!" Fala stuck her hand near his face. "Hey watch it...I'm a cop.." When that didn't seem to make Fala leave, he used his last plan, "I'm going to pee.."
"Okay," Fala retorted quickly.
"I'm really going," Ron threatened, this time actually putting his hands near his zipper. That seemed to do the trick.
Fala rushed out of the bathroom screaming "You're crazy!!!"
"Haha..stupid.." Ron said as he bathed in his victory.
hey just wanted to say, i will be doing a whole thoughts thing on GHETTO JUSTICE 2..haha..i liked the microwave scene where Kevin microwaved his how he was like 'oh yea..before you put the sausage in, i microwaved my underwear already'
also, ik the first chapter of the fanfic is pretty boring..i think so myself too..sorry about that..but i hafta make them all friends first..
also, ik the first chapter of the fanfic is pretty boring..i think so myself too..sorry about that..but i hafta make them all friends first..
"Okay, Mom. I'll clean it up after." Just getting off the plane, Kate was tired from dragging the two suitcases & three duffel bags out of the elevator. "If only I were rich," she thought aloud.
"You wish...Hurry up...Go wash up and change..Dinner's almost ready.." [Kate's mom]
"Why do I have to change? I think I look fine in my clothes," Kate retorted.
"Fine? You wore your pajamas to the airport!" [Kate's mom]
"What's wrong with that?" Kate asked with a smile.
"Aiya! Forget it! How are you ever going to find a boyfriend?" [Kate's mom]
"Haha..How do you know I'm not lesbian?" Kate smiled.
"Very funny. Go wash up. Your aunt's coming home soon." [Kate's mom]
"Ok fine. Eww. Why is she here?" [Kate]
"Don't be rude. She's staying here" [Kate's mom]
"Please tell me it's temporary" [Kate]
"Nope..long term. She and your uncle divorced. Now she's coming back to stay with us." [Kate's mom]
"Wait..we only have 2 rooms" [Kate]
"Oh yea..I forgot to tell you that you're sleeping on the sofa" [Kate's mom]
"Forever?" Getting up from the couch, Kate marched to the bathroom to wash her hands while her mom prepared the remaining dishes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed "Looks like I have to move" *sigh* "Oh well, at least I don't have to live with her.." Plopping down in the seat next to the head of the table, Kate asked her mom, "Mom do you know where I can move to?"
"Nope. Honey, you're on your own this time." Pointing to the living room, she said "This is your new room 'til you find a new place to move to."
Kate sighed. "She's not even home yet and she's already causing me so much trouble. I can't even imagine how much trouble she would bring if she WERE home...." "Mom, I'll come back in 10 minutes. I'm going out to call my old classmates to see if they know any apartments for rent..Be back soon!" with that, she slammed the door and went down to the park nearby. Plopping her rear on the swing, she scrolled through her contacts list. "Nope..He lives in the U.S...She went back to Canada...Eww..I don't even like her...."
"'s so nice here!" exclaimed Fala.
"Of course! There's an indoor pool & an outdoor one! Plus, a library, a gym, and even a private park exclusively for our residents. You can bring your children down there to play once you get married." the manager said cheerfully.
"Haha..That won't be anytime soon..I'll think about it..I'll call you when I have made my decision" Fala said, ending the tour of the apartment.
"Okay! No problem. Thanks for visiting. I still have some stuff to finish up downstairs. By the way, there will be another customer coming up soon, just letting you know. Feel free to look around, just close the door when your done." With that, the manager left to attend his business.
"It's so nice..but so expensive!!" She took one last look at the apartment and was about to leave when she ran into Linda.
"Hi" Linda greeted.
"Hey...You looking around?" Fala asked warmly.
"'s quite nice here. I really like the living environment" [Linda]
"'s really nice..I love it here too..but the price.." [Fala]
"I's quite pricey..waaaay out of my budget.." [Linda]
"Same here...When I was little, my parents always told me that the land here in Hong Kong is really expensive..Today, I finally get to see it myself.." [Fala]
"Haha..yea..You from overseas?" [Linda]
"Yea..haha..My Cantonese is really bad isn't it?" [Fala]
"'s fine! Many of the ABCs don't even know how to speak Cantonese! Where are you from?" [Linda]
"I'm from the U.S. and I just graduated from college there and I wanted to come develop my career in Hong Kong...haha..My parents are in the U.S. and I don't have relatives I've been staying at the hotel.." [Fala]
"Oh..haha..maybe we could rent this place together! How much would that be? haha..You don't mind right?" [Linda]
"Not at all," Fala smiled. "You're a nice person, of course I wouldn't mind!"
Whipping out her calculator, Linda started calculating the price of rent, gas, electricity, and water and dividing everything by two. "Aiya! It's still not within my budget," showing Fala the calculator.
"Not within my budget either..Wait..We have 3 rooms here. Maybe we can find someone else..Do you know anyone looking for a place to rent?" asked Fala. Linda shook her head. "Oh. Hold on. I have some college classmates that live in Hong Kong." Scrolling through her contacts list, she came across Kate's name. "Oooh! How about this one? She's the down-to-earth type, quite funny be honest, I don't really know her but I was in a project with her once and she seems like a nice girl."
"Ok...I don't mind as long as she's a girl and she's not difficult to live with," admitted Linda.
"Haha..I'm actually pretty hard to stand, just saying.." Fala said with a smile. With that, she started dialing Kate's number.
After being rejected several times, Kate let out a deep sigh. Just then, she received a call from Fala Chen. "Hullo?" Kate spoke into the microphone of her smartphone.
"Hi Kate. Remember me? Fala Chen from the Shakespeare project?" Fala asked.
"Oh hey. What's up?" Kate asked, being polite.
"I know this sounds crazy since we aren't too familiar with each other, but I've come across this really awesome apartment for rent and it's in a really nice environment and there's 3 rooms so I'm wondering if you would like to come live with us in the apartment.." [Fala]
"OMG! Really? I was JUST looking for a place! Thank you! Can I come over tomorrow?" Kate asked excitedly.
"Sure thing. I can introduce you to our other roommate. Her name's Linda Chung." Fala informed Kate.
"K...I gotta go eat..See you tomorrow!" [Kate]
"!" [Fala]
With that, Kate ran back to the apartment building, excited to tell her mom the good news. As she was heading toward the entrance, she ran into her 'beloved' aunt. "Kate!" screamed her beloved aunt from 10 feet away. Kate turned toward the sound of the voice, ready to complain about her aunt's unnecessary loud voice when she saw her aunt running towards her with arms wide open, ready for a hug. At that moment, Kate dug out her keys, opened the door, and headed towards the elevator. After safely reaching the elevator, she breathed a sigh of relief.
"What's wrong with that woman? Ugh! I should move out as soon as possible, can't stand her. I should tell Fala to hurry up with the contracts and stuff" Kate mumbled to herself in the elevator ride.
haha..sorry guys..chapter one's pretty boring...
"You wish...Hurry up...Go wash up and change..Dinner's almost ready.." [Kate's mom]
"Why do I have to change? I think I look fine in my clothes," Kate retorted.
"Fine? You wore your pajamas to the airport!" [Kate's mom]
"What's wrong with that?" Kate asked with a smile.
"Aiya! Forget it! How are you ever going to find a boyfriend?" [Kate's mom]
"Haha..How do you know I'm not lesbian?" Kate smiled.
"Very funny. Go wash up. Your aunt's coming home soon." [Kate's mom]
"Ok fine. Eww. Why is she here?" [Kate]
"Don't be rude. She's staying here" [Kate's mom]
"Please tell me it's temporary" [Kate]
"Nope..long term. She and your uncle divorced. Now she's coming back to stay with us." [Kate's mom]
"Wait..we only have 2 rooms" [Kate]
"Oh yea..I forgot to tell you that you're sleeping on the sofa" [Kate's mom]
"Forever?" Getting up from the couch, Kate marched to the bathroom to wash her hands while her mom prepared the remaining dishes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed "Looks like I have to move" *sigh* "Oh well, at least I don't have to live with her.." Plopping down in the seat next to the head of the table, Kate asked her mom, "Mom do you know where I can move to?"
"Nope. Honey, you're on your own this time." Pointing to the living room, she said "This is your new room 'til you find a new place to move to."
Kate sighed. "She's not even home yet and she's already causing me so much trouble. I can't even imagine how much trouble she would bring if she WERE home...." "Mom, I'll come back in 10 minutes. I'm going out to call my old classmates to see if they know any apartments for rent..Be back soon!" with that, she slammed the door and went down to the park nearby. Plopping her rear on the swing, she scrolled through her contacts list. "Nope..He lives in the U.S...She went back to Canada...Eww..I don't even like her...."
"'s so nice here!" exclaimed Fala.
"Of course! There's an indoor pool & an outdoor one! Plus, a library, a gym, and even a private park exclusively for our residents. You can bring your children down there to play once you get married." the manager said cheerfully.
"Haha..That won't be anytime soon..I'll think about it..I'll call you when I have made my decision" Fala said, ending the tour of the apartment.
"Okay! No problem. Thanks for visiting. I still have some stuff to finish up downstairs. By the way, there will be another customer coming up soon, just letting you know. Feel free to look around, just close the door when your done." With that, the manager left to attend his business.
"It's so nice..but so expensive!!" She took one last look at the apartment and was about to leave when she ran into Linda.
"Hi" Linda greeted.
"Hey...You looking around?" Fala asked warmly.
"'s quite nice here. I really like the living environment" [Linda]
"'s really nice..I love it here too..but the price.." [Fala]
"I's quite pricey..waaaay out of my budget.." [Linda]
"Same here...When I was little, my parents always told me that the land here in Hong Kong is really expensive..Today, I finally get to see it myself.." [Fala]
"Haha..yea..You from overseas?" [Linda]
"Yea..haha..My Cantonese is really bad isn't it?" [Fala]
"'s fine! Many of the ABCs don't even know how to speak Cantonese! Where are you from?" [Linda]
"I'm from the U.S. and I just graduated from college there and I wanted to come develop my career in Hong Kong...haha..My parents are in the U.S. and I don't have relatives I've been staying at the hotel.." [Fala]
"Oh..haha..maybe we could rent this place together! How much would that be? haha..You don't mind right?" [Linda]
"Not at all," Fala smiled. "You're a nice person, of course I wouldn't mind!"
Whipping out her calculator, Linda started calculating the price of rent, gas, electricity, and water and dividing everything by two. "Aiya! It's still not within my budget," showing Fala the calculator.
"Not within my budget either..Wait..We have 3 rooms here. Maybe we can find someone else..Do you know anyone looking for a place to rent?" asked Fala. Linda shook her head. "Oh. Hold on. I have some college classmates that live in Hong Kong." Scrolling through her contacts list, she came across Kate's name. "Oooh! How about this one? She's the down-to-earth type, quite funny be honest, I don't really know her but I was in a project with her once and she seems like a nice girl."
"Ok...I don't mind as long as she's a girl and she's not difficult to live with," admitted Linda.
"Haha..I'm actually pretty hard to stand, just saying.." Fala said with a smile. With that, she started dialing Kate's number.
After being rejected several times, Kate let out a deep sigh. Just then, she received a call from Fala Chen. "Hullo?" Kate spoke into the microphone of her smartphone.
"Hi Kate. Remember me? Fala Chen from the Shakespeare project?" Fala asked.
"Oh hey. What's up?" Kate asked, being polite.
"I know this sounds crazy since we aren't too familiar with each other, but I've come across this really awesome apartment for rent and it's in a really nice environment and there's 3 rooms so I'm wondering if you would like to come live with us in the apartment.." [Fala]
"OMG! Really? I was JUST looking for a place! Thank you! Can I come over tomorrow?" Kate asked excitedly.
"Sure thing. I can introduce you to our other roommate. Her name's Linda Chung." Fala informed Kate.
"K...I gotta go eat..See you tomorrow!" [Kate]
"!" [Fala]
With that, Kate ran back to the apartment building, excited to tell her mom the good news. As she was heading toward the entrance, she ran into her 'beloved' aunt. "Kate!" screamed her beloved aunt from 10 feet away. Kate turned toward the sound of the voice, ready to complain about her aunt's unnecessary loud voice when she saw her aunt running towards her with arms wide open, ready for a hug. At that moment, Kate dug out her keys, opened the door, and headed towards the elevator. After safely reaching the elevator, she breathed a sigh of relief.
"What's wrong with that woman? Ugh! I should move out as soon as possible, can't stand her. I should tell Fala to hurry up with the contracts and stuff" Kate mumbled to herself in the elevator ride.
haha..sorry guys..chapter one's pretty boring...
haha..actually...not much to say..i usually don't do this since i always say too much and give away the whole thing..
Six individuals just graduating from college, all of whom are from different backgrounds are brought together by fate. Through thin & thick, they are always there for one another, always supporting each other..but will that support last forever? Will their friendship last forever?
This fanfic takes us through the journey of six individuals' path to friendship, love, and their dreams.
ok..ya..that's i've decided to use these artistes as main characters:
Bosco Wong-He's the comedian of the group along with Ron Ng. Coming from a wealthy family, like Raymond Lam's, he has vowed to use his own hands to support himself after graduating from college. He dislikes it when people treat him differently or look at him differently because he's rich.
Fala Chen-She's not the 'go with the flow' type of girl. She's not afraid to stand out & speak her mind, which may cause some trouble for her in today's society. However, this personality of hers may help her find a group of friends whom she can count on through thin and thick. Though she's not like other girls, she still has some things in common with them. She's still an ordinary girl when it comes to love. She hopes to find her Prince Charming & create their own love story.
Kate Tsui-Kate is a tomboy & not afraid to speak her mind. She's rather straightforward and oftentimes, she's the one to wake her female friends from their daydreams. She believes that fate will bring her & her Prince Charming together, no need to rush.
Linda Chung-Filial & kind-hearted, she's the number one choice for a girlfriend or even a wife. She is sweet and willing to help others, something that makes this diamond sparkle. She understands that her family is not wealthy so when growing up, she never asked for unnecessary luxuries. She's the 'mom' of the crowd, not allowing them to eat junk food, pulling all-nighters, & constantly nags.
Raymond Lam-He's the romantic one in the crowd, always so sweet. Which girl wouldn't fall for him? He's sweet, rich, and he has the looks. He & Bosco are family friends and have been for as long as they can remember. Growing up together, the two have become like brothers. 2 guys. 1 life.
Ron Ng-Another comedian in the crowd. He may not be rich like Raymond & Bosco, but with his good looks & his sense of humor, he can score a girl, or should I say several girls, with no difficulty, something he likes to brag about quite often.
haha..sorry..i won't be using the polls/survey anymore!
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